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Some of the letters, articles, stories, poems and songs about Anny Slegten and Success and More...


Through the years, Anny has touched so many clients, students, colleagues, and friends that many of them have been moved to write letters, sonnets, and poems dedicated to her and her work. Some write songs, some even paint pictures. All tokens of their admiration and appreciation for the work she's done and the knowledge she's shared. Here is a sample of some of those dedications and letters of thanks.

Please scroll down through them...

Hello dear Anny. I came for an appointment with you months ago. I just wanted to let you know a couple things. I am so grateful that i came to see you. You taught me many things regarding the words that i choose when i speak or think, how it affects my subconscious. You taught me a number of things that have had a great impact on me. I want you to know that i think the absolute world of you. Sending you my love and gratitude for the ways that you helped me to change my life. I have been working very hard and the things that you taught me have been a significant part of that.  K.B.


OMG Anny, You are still practicing? You are so devoted to your practice. You will not remember me but I went through your entire program in 1993. I did not open a practice but have helped dozens over the years. I put so much of your information on the shelf as I had trouble with it. I had always dreamed of owning a Rolls Royce and visualized it as you taught. Four years ago, a friend passed and left me a beautiful one. You have benefitted the lives of thousands. Thank you, my friend. M.A.


Dear Anny, I just finished reading your book "Conversations With Those Who Passed Away", Second Edition. I could hear your voice as I read it. It was a very interesting and enjoyable read. I continue to be in awe of your high intelligence and your unique abilities.  D.H.



Anny, It was such a pleasure meeting you.  I have felt like a huge burden has been lifted from me since I saw you.  I slept so much the day after I saw you it was truly relaxing and spiritually uplifting. Thank you so much for your magical touch. Have a fabulous day.  Love,  N.B.



Anny: I am sure you hear this often, but I received much more than I expected from your hypnosis courses. My mind has been reprogramed to think differently about words and thoughts. I see things differently. I see people differently. My own interactions with my children have changed. I am grateful I got to experience your teachings and for the friendships I made in class. Have a wonderful Fall and "may the magic fall out of the sky" for you and your students.  J.G.



Regarding The Four Mental Agreements to Losing Weight by Anny Slegten, I have used Anny’s new method to shed pounds and to my surprise it worked like a charm. After two days I decided to weight myself and much to my surprise I was down  5 lbs. Kept losing and now I have lost 35 lbs. I am now the same weight as when I got married 60 years ago. It was as easy as simple, repeating her statement every day: “I have the pleasure of a slender healthy body.”
I have known Anny for 21 + years. My husband Bill was a Police Officer with the Edmonton City Police. He went to a class of Anny’s offered for stress release. He got a lot out of that course. He told me I would probably like her service. I started going to her for private session and in the second session I ask if I could go to her school. She interviewed me and said I qualified and the rest is history. That was 28 years ago. I am still a  practicing  Hypnotherapist and still enjoy it very much.  D.H.




(This is a reply to an e-mail Anny had sent)


Thanks Anny for your reply. I so admire your perseverance to keep building your hypnotherapy school and practice and your creativity in always adding new ideas and ways of working.  I had a few clients before COVID although I prefer workshops and teaching to one on ones.  It is an amazing therapy and thank you for your course which I took so many years ago.  I think about 25 years ago!  All the very best to you for 2021 and beyond.  S.S.



As most people,  during isolation, cleaning out the closets was well overdue.  Much to my surprise, I came upon a cassette tape of a very old hypnotherapy session with Anny Slegten.  My curiosity got the better of me and I thought I would investigate to see what 10 years ago was my problem at that time.  I listened intently looking for a trigger and much to my surprise it was like a blank.  There was no association to the issue and it was like it vanished from my mind's eye.  The issue completely let go.  Now that's completion and I would recommend anyone with a stuck issue to make a call to see Anny Slegten, it really works.  Thank you💖  S.T.




(This is a reply about an e-mail explaining the focus of intend)


Hello Anny:


I was thinking about you the other evening and my experience at the Reiki 1 & 2 training back in November.  I started reading the book “Reiki Fire” to continue learning about Reiki. I am also looking forward to re-reading through my Reiki books from your course so I can revisit what I learned that weekend. I have not been practicing very much at all since January. I seem to allow the chaos of day to day life pull me away from enjoying those types of things.
Now more than ever I think it is so important to reconnect with myself and continue to learn Reiki so I can get more comfortable with the process. I want to be able to use it for my own well-being and I would like to use it for the well-being of my loved ones as well. As you wrote in your blog, if we focus on continuing to “be healthy” we will stay healthy. 
The last few months have been interesting and crazy and complete chaos at times. I look forward to settling into a new “normal” and allowing myself to slow down and re-balance.  Again, I thank you for reaching out and I hope you and your Family are staying happy and healthy through these uncertain times. 
Take Care Anny.  A.C.




(This is a reply about an e-mail explaining the focus of intend)
Dearest Anny,
Thanks so much for this. I too totally agree with that life attitude and am doing well.  I turned 73 in March! You are such an inspiration and such a powerhouse. I pray that you are well taken care of in all ways. You have helped so many people to raise their consciousness and I bow down at your lotus feet as one of my teachers.  Love you always,  Z.A.



Hi Anny
Jesus Christ!!   I finally feel some peace.  My husband is doing a lot of self-reflection and I’m leaving him alone, I’ve backed off.   I should have brought him to you for a session 6 months ago !!   Thank you   A.W.




Hi Anny: Regression Therapy is what I was looking forward to learning. Thank you for your patience, and thank you for that very nice relaxation treat you gave us.  Much needed!!!   C.H.




Dear Anny,
Cheers to celebrating the blessings of you! I am infinitely grateful to have your wisdom, beauty, grace, elegance, humour, inspiration, patience and… Spark of Light … in my world.
Big hugs....   M.M.



Anny, it was so easy after everything we had tried in the past to resolve the issue of my husband’s snoring!  During the hypnosis session, I learned it had nothing to do with him and everything to do with me!  You followed me into an unconventional solution (according to me) that was quick and effective.  And now, much to my surprise and delight, we are back to sharing our bed and our lives together.  Thank you Anny 😊  C.M.H.



Anny... Thank you so much for the kind thoughts.... and I certainly hope this finds you thriving in all aspects of life.  You are a very special person my dear and I am very grateful that you were my teacher and got me started on my current path.... thank you again.... Large hugs....   B.S.



Good morning Anny -  
​One more time  have to said thank you!! For saving another one of my children.  Since the Virtual session you have done, my oldest daughter is coming around more often now.  She met a good man that loves and respects her, and she stopped lying about every single aspect of her life.  She look radiant and happy. Thank you for all the help to you and the universe.  I'm so happy of having you by my side. You are like my god mother.
God put you in my life when it was crumbled and you with all you experience and love gave me your hand and help me to stand up again.
Thank you very much.   Hugs,  M.I.



Hi Anny, I want to thank you for the fantastic weekend.  It was both entertaining and informative.  I feel privileged to have the opportunity to learn from you.  I am very excited about this field and look forward to the courses to come.   J.C.



Hi Anny: I am feeling sad that we are done classes, I have enjoyed the time we spent together so much!  I have gotten so much out of this on a personal level.  Thank you so much for your time, expertise, knowledge, advice and sharing so much with us.  R.Z.



Ahhh Anny, how grand life can be!!! Just wanted to tell you how well everything is going after our last session. Life can be so very good if we just go for it. Yes its scary but also very exciting to make our journey worthwhile and enjoyable but one must be willing to acknowledge the need to grow and change.

Well after all I have known you for over 20 years and done my certification almost that long ago and here am I still enjoying time in that famous chair and loving the benefits of a session and even enjoying the process of change - because when it all feels so up-side-down and upsetting is when we KNOW there is progress!!

God Bless and keep your Light ever strong.  E.S.



I want to thank you so much for the wonderful, life changing week I spent with you! I'm so excited to continue on with this training. I've been practicing the script writing and relaxation sessions with a friend, with good success I think. I'm busy trying to set up a place in my home to see people and have booked my first paying client for this weekend.

I feel like I've begun a very important journey and want you to know how happy and grateful I am that you are my teacher!

Take care, and see you soon, R.Z.



Hi Anny – I had a wonderful, healing session today – as I have come to expect. When I have had enough suffering, I know where to find a beautiful refuge of light. Thank you.  You are unique – and I am very grateful to you.  Thank you again. G.F.








Anny at her best!

Anny Slegten and I met for the first time at her office March of 2003. I acquired her investment account from a retiring planner. I called Anny and arranged to meet her at her home office. The meeting of strangers went exceeding well and after a few moments we were laughing and getting along as long time friends would on a lunch date. The appointment went well and I was given an addition to her investment account.

Anny told me she only deals with happy people and she knew I was a happy person. She knew that the moment I drove down her lane way and walked into her office. She knew this not by the manner of my dress or confident stride but rather from the car I drove. She told me that happy people drive happy cars, grumpy people drive grumpy cars. How can you tell I asked? Oh simple she said, happy cars have grills that smile and grumpy cars have grills that frown. You drive a grumpy car, you are a grumpy person. I only wish Anny could have seen the look of relief in my face as I walked out of her office and looked at my car. My car has a smiling grill. I certainly know what I will be looking for first in my next car!

Thank you Anny for being you and for being such a good friend.  D.Q.



Anny is a wonderful lass
With so much class.
Into your mind she can go
To discover your secrets so
Of past and present memories
That haunt us all like Valkyries.
Then she exposes them to fresh air
And suddenly life is fair.


Forevermore, D.C.S.


(About the HTIA...)


I really have had my life altered as a result of your tutelage. It's scary to not know where this will lead me but it would be a terrible waste to not complete the training and fully understand my mind's power.  R.H.


(About Success and More Surrogate Sessions...)

Hi Anny, Wow! Well, you were right, it was interesting! Yes, I think you are getting somewhere. Good job! Cheers,  A.R.


Some people touch our lives in such a way that they are always on our mind.  ... A feeling that someone is there for you without any judgement is unconditional.  This unconditional love is very precious to me.
With Love,  S.S.




Good Morning Anny,
I wrote my exam and it went great. Thanks to your help.  I am now hoping to meet with you about weight loss.  Thanks,  R.S.




You made my holiday!  Thanks again for your help. It was a great flight. I am so glad I went and I had such a wonderful time with my family.  You are the best!!  Sincerely,  L.P.




Hi Anny, Hope all is well. I know it will be.  Sorry I haven't been in touch. I sure miss you and everyone else...

My health has been great, I no longer take any medication and as far as I am concerned the bipolar is gone. (Thanks to you and the schooling, I cannot thank you enough just for what you have done for me this far. You are one of a kind).

P. S. Thanks again.




Hi Anny,
I came to see you a few years ago and I never called you back to tell you that the session helped immensely. I visited you for a problem that was in my life for probably three years (you can check my file if you are interested in a refresher). After the session my problem has not ever surfaced again. I am taking this opportunity because a co-worker is interested in some dental fear problems, and it reminded me that I should call you and thank you.  Thanks so much!  H.C.




To Anny:
My most recent visit in your chair allowed me to discover the unique manner that your therapy differs from other forms of therapy. 

After the great self-discovery of a matter that occurred in my childhood involving family members, I was able to go from your office directly to speak with one of the people appearing during my session. I felt a sense of peacefulness and kindness, both within myself, and towards them during the visit. Later that evening I spoke with my sister and discussed the emotions that arose as a result of my appointment with you. She asked me “Why do you not have any hard feelings?”, meaning directly relating to that person. It caught me by surprise because I have only used your method as a form of therapy. Apparently, her experience with a therapist left her with such sadness and hard feelings towards the people involved. However, I felt completely freed from the experience. It was then that I understood your session permitted me to give the gift back to the person it belonged to and allowed me a new found freedom. I now have a new love for the people involved and understanding of maybe why things played out in life as they did. 

The true reward Anny is that this type of healing is far superior than most would experience. For this I am truly grateful. 
With my heartfelt thanks,  S.T.




I had come for two Hypnotherapy sessions early last summer. I want to thank you for planting some very helpful messages in my mind that I have used for myself – almost daily.  I’m certain that as a result, I’ve been open to much more good fortune than ever –and capable of pursuit!  Once again, thanks for the slow, yet sure transformation which you have helped introduce into my life.  Love, J.A.


(About Success and More Surrogate Sessions...)


Dear Anny, Thank you so very much for the CD of the latest Surrogate Session "with" our estranged son. I am finding it hugely encouraging, and am amused by your description of some of his typical mannerisms!!! ... including removing his cap and scratching his head when challenged to reflect on some good questions that for far too long he's excused himself from THINKING about!!!  We will keep in touch with you as developments unfold!  Blessings and love,  R.C.


About the training in hypnosis... you know that little letter you have us write during the first course? The one you keep for a year and then mail to us, well I came across mine the other day. Funny how we really know what the problems are in our lives; yet until we put them down on paper so they are right in front of us we fail to confront and correct them. The really spooky thing is that more than half of what I wrote has either come true or is in the process of happening. It feels really good to see the process, not to mention live it. 

I hope you take comfort in knowing I use what you taught me everyday and I am a much better person because of it; thank you; big hug; little hug. Thank you.

Take care, Anny, cause we care.  M.P.




Anny, I have the utmost respect for you and your work and I am very thankful to have met you. I look forward to spending more time in the future learning from you the stuff that you know so well.  Your friend and student,  D.M.




Thank you so much for the remote hypnotherapy session. I received the tape yesterday. I listened to the session twice already, and I can tell you that it was very profound for me on many levels. I am going to work with this session for a time (as well as the CD's I purchased from you), but I know I will be in touch with you for another session at a later date. In the meantime, you may receive a request for a remote hypnosis session from a friend.

Thank you very much to you and your facilitator. Your efforts were and are very much appreciated. This session was very much nurturing to me. I can't tell you how much that means to me.  D.H.




Hello Anny, I just got back from a (hypnosis) conference … … and I want to thank you for the tremendous training you instilled in us. I always knew we had good training but never fully realized just HOW GOOD it was. That weekend really opened my eyes and I want to give credit where credit is due. Thank you!  Fondly,  M.O.




Dear Anny:
… (About Norm’s presentation during HYP 301, Hypnosis for Childbirth and Local Anaesthesia), it was well worth the effort for all of us to see someone take (the training) and use it to such a degree. You provide an excellent opportunity for people to learn the many aspects of healing not provided by universities/colleges and to reach a high level of expertise which benefits everyone - self and clients. I'm proud to be a part of your organisation.  D.B.


Hi Anny, Wow, what a fantastic weekend. I dreamed Reiki for four nights I'm sure, really I did. I love it! Don;t worry... I'm all about balance! Thank you so much Anny, can't wait for Level 3!  Love & Light,  D.M.


Hi Anny, Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed HYP101. I can feel its affect in my life already and I can't wait for the other courses and of course - seeing you again. :)  M.S.


I am compelled to write this letter to you today to thank you for the wonderful & exciting results you have provided our daughter & consequently our family through your hypnosis therapy. It was something short of a miracle, that is all I can say.

For 2 ½ years, our daughter could not go to bed. She did not want to be that way, and she hated it, but nothing we tried seemed to work. Two years is a long, long time to go through this every night. She was 10 years old when we came to you for help & soon she will be celebrating her 13th birthday and we have never looked back. One session with you was all it took ... . She has such an inner peace within herself. Thank you so very, very much!  G.C.


Good Afternoon Anny,
I just wanted to let you know, I got my results back from the national exam I wrote in March. I PASSED, and got the highest mark ever for myself. Thanks for your help.  R.R.




HI Anny - I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed taking your courses and I am very much looking forward to the Reiki and the 601, 602 and then 301,302. I feel I have learned so much from you not only about Hypnotherapy, but life as well. Thank you again for the wonderful learning experience, and I hope to learn much much more from you.  C.C.




(About the Reiki Training)


We had the BEST few days with you.  We will never forget you and the people we met. Thanks again, and yes, we KNOW where you live, ha, ha!  K.B.




(The following is an excerpt from a personal letter written to Anny about a Private Session)

Thank you Anny for being a safe place for me to get my thoughts out of my mind and onto paper so that I could release them, and for being a silent witness to my dark hour. I so appreciate the gift that you are in my life. Love, S.S. 


(about the HTIA...)


Hi Anny, At practicing time during class, working with stress release and the container the other day, it brought something to me from childhood that I had never before considered. The information that has been flooding my head since are just absolutely mind boggling. They have made me see my entire life from a different angle and so many things are making sense to me now. I want you to know that I give you and your courses full credit for this transformation, without you opening the doors I would not have been ready to receive or understand all of the information that I have been receiving in the past 2 or 3 days. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Clearing vision is a wonderful thing to witness, but it is even greater to experience it. See you soon. Have a great day.  P.C.


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